When your student is absent from school, they are missing valuable instruction from their teachers. 

Upon their return, please provide a parent note or a doctor's note. If you feel notes do not get to the teachers or office, please feel free to email notes to your child's teacher AND Ms. Jennifer Taylor

[email protected]

Current Attendance Policy:

4 unexcused tardies and/or checkouts= 1 unexcused absence

Parents may use parent notes for 4 days per nine weeks. 

After 5 unexcused absences, parents will be contacted to participate in a child study team meeting. 

After 10 unexcused absences, students are referred to truancy court.

The WCSD Attendance policy can also be found on the school website under "About VES".

Please look for any attendance updates from Ms. English on pink paper. 

Thank you for allowing us to educate your scholars!!!